Saturday, August 25, 2007

Leaving for WORS Marathon #3

In an hour or two I'm leaving for Rhinelander, WI site of the Smokin' Spoke, WORS Marathon #3. I'm anticipating a decent result, I do better in longer races. I'm all geared up, I'm taking my 8500 and my Supercal 29er. My 8500 has been singlified. Its running a singulater right now. I plan to get a White Industries Eccentric hub so I can run it SS with confidence. I won't even have to give up disc brakes. I'll make a post and a race recap when I come home Sunday hopefully I'm taking my camera and hopefully I'll have some good pictures to bring home. Hopefully all this stuff makes me go fast. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Oh and altough its a week away I just want to Wish Constantine Peters Good luck at the 24hour SS Championships in Monterrey California @ the 24 hours of Adrenaline.


julie said...

if you have perpetuem, you need neither the whey protein nor the gatorade. just that and the endurolytes.

you should call the hammer people- they know their stuff. i had a few great conversations with them before randonneuring season. they'll help you figure out what you need.

What Do I Feel Like Riding today? said...

I find the perpetuem even in low dillutions doesn't give me the hydration I want. I use they whey for post rides. Like this past saturday I ran with the gatorade in the hydration pack and a paste bottle of perpetuem. What's funny my team is sponsored by Clif. I like Clif bars and builder bars but I don't care for Clif shots and cliff blocks. I really ought to try out Heed or sustained energy. Perpetuem has Soy protein not whey, BTW. I know for a fact that whey is better for post race recovery.