Monday, August 4, 2008

22nd out of 36.

22nd is not great, but not terrible. I regretfully was not able to complete any laps from about 9:40 till about 6am due to breaking my Light and Motion Arc which was my primary headlight, I finished off the lap with my Stella and quickly realized I couldn't go on with just this light.
I had a few meager options out there to be nothing more than legal but I didn't feel good about the safety of light I would be using not to mention the unfamiliarness of the system. Come morning I would get just ambitious enough to do 28 miles/2 laps. On one hand I'm happy with my result under the circumstances and on the other hand I'm very disappointed with myself because I feel like I let myself down. I felt really good considering the mileage I did after stopping because of darkness at 10 ish. I'm blown away by how good I feel today, the day after finishing. It was the hardest 98 miles I have ever done. I'm so disappointed with myself that I just might have to solo the 24 hours of seven oaks on August 30-31.

To be continued...

(Pictures to come)

In other news I have already shipped off my Light and Motion ARC to them


julie said...

that was a great result, and it's good that you got out there and did it!

What Do I Feel Like Riding today? said...

oh yes, I'm going to give 24 another whirl Labor Day Weekend