I'm naming it "Shitty"
How many of you have ever seen a brown bike? There is a reason you don't. Johnny D Painted it the color he decided to go with. I think it looks like shit personally. For those of you who don't know I picked this frame and fork up from someone via Jeremy Rodriguez for a low low, undisclosed price. I had it chemically acid dipped, sanded away what little corrosion and dings I could, took it to my painting guy and had it primered and then handed it off to Johnny. Johnny wanted it in "Medium Grey". I was afraid I would screw it up, and his brother works at a dealership or w/e. Instead of painting it right right way he took the frame home and decided to paint it the most ugly brown I have ever seen. Its a total slap in the face. I just want to go to his house and steal it away from him for Bike frame neglect. I wanted to paint it "Ergon Green" PMS #563. with Gloss Black Decals and gloss clear, would have looked a little like a Bianchi Lewis, just brighter. Johnny get the frame for 1 year then he must return it and he has already agreed to pay for the repainting of the frame in MY desired color. In the meantime I'm just going to deny that I had anything to do with the painting of it.
What a Shitty color HAHAHAHHA!
It was also nice of him to paint around the gold wheel and sprocket tag on the seat tube.
I'll bet Tool's bike turns out better then that.
JohnnyD did that? Should have known he has a history of installing Thomson seatposts backwards
i like the brown Surly Steamrollers. i believe they call it "boston baked bean brown."
Bianchi made the BUSS.. butt ugly single speed, that was a shade of UPS brown.
you got what you paid for
that would normally hold true except I didn't pay for it.
well even better then you got a free paint job that looks like a free paint job
Cheaper than buying a bike lock
So, that's the one that was gonna beat Russell's paint job?
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