Friday, March 28, 2008

All Competitors and Former Teammates Are Important

As some of you know Brandon from my former team, Expo Racing, was struck by a motorist last week when riding home from school. He did get taken to the hospital, fortunately he should pull through and make a full recovery. I don't know many of the details but I want everyone to pray for him, and his recovery, hopefully he'll recover and be as strong as ever.

Brandon was probably obeying every last rule and law. Bikesafer has pointed out many laws that motorists are bound to abide by. Cases like this remind cyclist and Motorists of the possible conflict between them. Me personally, I've always had the mantra of expect the unexpected, as a cyclist most motorists overlook you. When you learn to drive you are taught the same, its called defensive driving, relatively speaking this holds true to cyclists. You must practice defensive riding. The world isn't perfect. Anticipate motorists to not yield to you when you have the right of way. Look for people backing out of their driveways. Always be aware of the traffic around you at all times. Unfortunately in the united states, drivers are not predictable and depending on where you are, people are less bicycle conscience. The Lake Country Area people are very cyclist aware. If you are a motorist take notice of the two wheeled non-motorized people you share the road with. If you are a cyclist, please pay more attention to your defensive riding, it will save your life someday.

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