Friday, April 4, 2008

Century #1 and 24-9 Announcement

I'm possibly planning to do my first Century tomorrow on the Glacial Drumlin State Trail. W/ a planned departure @ 8am from the trailhead in Waukesha, at a minimum I will round trip Cottage grove unless I'm ambitious and round trip Madison, but I'm thinking I don't want to kill myself this early in the season I'm not training for Trans Iowa. I could hurt myself and hamper further training. 104 Miles are garanteed, 52 miles each way. It won't be warm enough for shorts or short sleeves though, but I could probably do gloveless.

I have not formally made the announcement yet, but I'm saying today, the 4th of April 2008, I plan to enter the 24 hours of 9 Mile in the Solo Singlespeed category. I'm banking my entire year on that race. I plan to duo in the WEMS series and will be doing Sport Singlespeed for WORS, but those are just supplement, however I hope to win both of those series titles. My 24-9 Goal is simply put is 12+ laps and no significant time off the bike in the pits. As of right now, I have Ashley James to support me in the pits as the rest of my team will be focusing on their various team efforts, primarily focusing on the Mens Junior Team National Championship.

As the year progresses I might have 1 more 24 hour solo race announcement to be made.


julie said...

sounds good- but don't stress yourself too much about 24/9! just HAVE FUN.

What Do I Feel Like Riding today? said...

oh ya, I know, but I'm cutting back a little this year, you wouldn't know it, but I am, I did 38 Races last year. I'm going to do about 10 less I think. I want to put more effort in to fewer races and make the most of my money. I also have some unknown things TBD about work/career things. I'm of the frame of mind, I have all this money and stuff stuck into bikes, may as well use it. The 10 I'm cutting will be like 5 Road races and 5 cross races. That only leaves like 5ish of each compared to last year.