Sorry for the late post people, anyways... This past Sunday was my second WORS race of the year, it also happened to be the second race in the WORS Marathon series. I gave Holly a ride up there and I camped out in my car which is nice and convienient. I prerode on my mountain bike around 1pm and my cross bike at about 3pm and was flat out more comfortable on the mountain bike, Saturday I did two laps which is probably more than I should have done but oh well. I knew the mountain bike had a few mechanical gremlins but nothing that would keep me from finishing. This would come back to haunt me however I don't think I would have been any faster on the cross bike, that was my problem. This course totally suited a cross bike but I did have the ability to make it go faster than anything else. I was feeling pretty good, I felt comfortable on the bike, I felt comfortable with the course I knew I would do well, or at least so I thought. I knew the lead-out would be tough and easy all at the same time. I'm no good when it comes to the single track so I need to pass when possible. My Road training has helped a ton with adjust and modulating high heart rate which I know makes me better than most citizen riders. I really do enjoy mountain biking, but only when I'm not getting run over by faster riders and my bike works. As you will find out in this blog, it was my bike that let me down, big time. I still finished, but I know I lost a signifigant amount of time. Both Aris and Theo dropped out of the race which sucked but o' well. I feel I am getting better all around as a cyclist. When it comes to the road bike, mountain bike, track racing, and other things related to cycling. They say its the rider not the bike that wins the race. This is one of the only cases I can think of that it was because of the bike I did so bad. But by bad, I mean I did ok, I could have done quite a bit better. I estimate in the 6-15 minute neighborhood over 20 miles, which was just a few ticks over two hours total. I was 11th out of 13 finishers in my age group, 15 started and 112th out of 160 total starters in Citizen Male. That isn't that great but one of my better finishes in recent memory. I'm amazed I finished with my bike acting up as much as it did.
I went to track on Tuesday night, my legs weren't feeling it so I just decided to just hang out and watch the 150lap main event.
Tonight was the weekly Wendnesday night races at Crystal Ridge Ski Area. Expo Racing was there in full force tonight. Gus, Aris, Theo, Jordan, Brandon, and me, as well as Christy and Ted. I didn't talk to the guys on the team that much tonight because I was having a mediocre day racing with lap times of 39, 39, and 45 minutes respectively. Most of the good guys were in the 20-26 minute neighborhood. I actaully had to pit and grab my headlight for the last lap. I maybe could have finished with natural light but I just wanted to be sure. I needed the oppertunity to try out my lights. I didn't crash tonight during the race, however I clipped my bars on a tree in pre-ride and went down, but not all that hard. I'm looking forward to Saturaday's race. I'm not sure what mileage I'm going to do, 30, 60, 100. I'm feeling good and my legs are feeling good the only thing that might keep me from doing the 100 is whether it might screw me up setting up and getting ready for 24-9. I'm only doing 12 hours solo there but I'm considering it my more important race of the year. I really want to do well. More than any race so far this year. I should finally fix my bike woes because my brand new Supercaliber 29er is coming in either tomorrow or friday. I'm so psyced. It getting late now and I need to get to sleep because I need to work tomorrow and I have to lead the Expedition Supply Thursday ride tomorrow @ 530. Come out and I'll lead you around. It varys in speed, last week was right around 19.5-20mph how ever it was only me and Paul Capafferri. I showed him who's boss. LOL
Once the XTR Photo Dude gets his pictures up and I might get a few pictures from Christie cause I know she was taking pictures tonight I'll post them. But until then, happy trails, correction make that happy single track.