Saturday I screwed up to say the least. I took my mountain bike and that couldn't have been more wrong for the hill climb, a track bike with no brakes, geared correctly could have been the fastest. Lugging 10 extra pounds over my road or cross bike and the added rolling resistance of the 2.2" tires cause me to have a really slow time of 7:07. I could have been an whole 60 seconds faster, I know I could have. There was a Mandatory run at the top of the hill. I was so exhausted from riding that big bike up the hill I couldn't do anything except for walk it.
The Saturday AM course hill climb:

In the afternoon that was a different story, the 4.00 mile cross country course is what I brought this bike, I knew it would shine in the spotlight, Right? well it turns out it might have been the right choice, it might not have been. The afternoon result was a 17:25. When it came to the two barrier sets I was really slow, dismount wasn't a problem, carrying almost 30 lbs of bike over the barricades slowed me down, and remounting proved to be difficult as the clearing the barricades slowed me down so much. In order to remount, all the speed and momentum you can get helps your total time more that the pedaling time alone otherwise they would call this a mountain bike race with small tires. For all of Saturday I ended up 18th out of 25. Not great but not bad considering I brought a knife to a gun fight. I was the fastest in the cross country time trial that turned in a 7+ minute lap on the hill climb.
The Saturday PM Course:

Sunday brought me new life, I found out that the Juniors field got separated from the senior 4s, that meant I could use my own cross bike. John Donovan used it in the juniors race, brought home a 3rd out of 6. Expo Racing's own Aris Peters brought home a 2nd in his first cross race in almost 2 years winning the field sprint over Mike and John. Chris Hurst was in his own zip code well over 5 minutes ahead of 2nd almost passing the leaders of the 4 after starting well after them.
I grabbed the bike from Johnny D and Headed to the start, the finish line and the Start line were not one of the same for leadout reasons. The whole course was only comfortably 2 wide at its best. But anyway, I decided to have a Double Espresso Clif Shot right before start which I believe did help me considerably. The time came and the 4s field was off, I started on the far right which was not the most desirable position for the hole shot which is basically what it was. I settled into a nice rhythm and settled in roughly mid-pack.
Sunday's Course:

The barriers even still gave me problems with the cross bike, but it was still way way faster than the mountain bike, with the longer race I wouldn't have wanted to do it any other way, I would have burned out before the end of the race from carrying the extra weight around. The only thing I felt terrible about is around mid-race a guy crashed right front of me just going around a turn and It have happened so fast that I have little time to avoid him and I totally just ran over his shoulder and there was little I could do about it. I notified officials which were right on it. I think he was alright, he'll just be a little sore tomorrow.
As for me I finished 43rd out of the scored 60, I will find out what my two day combined Omnium Placing was for the two days when it gets posted on Wisconsin Cycling Web Page. I was told there were more than 60, however I do not know how many more. I know that this is my best cyclocross finish ever due to the fact that it was the first timed race I ever did that I did not get lapped in. I'm proud of this fact and although I didn't turn in a spectacular result I'm happy with that. Other Notables on the Day was Gus Peters 26th in the 4s, also first cross race in more than two years on his shiny new Bianchi Rodger and Theo Peters in his first cross race ever, 5th in Junior. Not too terrible all around. You haven't seen the last of the Peter's Clan and they will be a force to be reckoned with this cross season. Keep an eye on Gus' Blog
Next you will see me @ the season Finale of WORS, WORS #12 Wigwam/Ultimax Classic in Sheboygan. As for you cyclocross/roadie only riders you'll see me next @ the Capital Velo Club CX and the Brazen Dropouts CX Race both in the Madison Area the weekend of the 13th and 14th.