Sunday, September 23, 2007

Iola sucks + Crash victim

On Friday night I went out with some friends and I hung out till the wee hours of the morning which would reverbarate throughout the weekend. I drank far too little and didn't eat enough on Saturday @ camp and I knew it. Sunday rolled around and I knew that I had done all that I could, to over my decision to go out friday night. I took lots of endurolytes, a couple of GU gels, and Gatorade. I did decide to ride single speed again. I did pre-ride the course on Saturday and I felt ok with the bike and gearing. When it came time to start I shot out of the start with a man on a mission only to get in a pileup of about 5 guys about 150 feet into the race. It was my first multi person accident. I had my first accident on pavement in latter June. I only took myself out and it was my own fault. But anyway, the race, I totally lost my mojo after that crash, the first climb went ok, down and around the bowl went fine, second cimb, fine, I was passing lots of people, up until the base of the big hill in the back of the course. The big hill I think is about a 600ft @ about a 7% grade. It was all downhill after that, pardon the pun. I kinda gave up the gusto and hit cruise control if there is such a thing. I just got into a rythem, albeit sub-par. I was the last finisher in single speed. 10th out of 13 entrants. I'm not sure but I think I was in the 150s-160s out of about 200 overall. All in all I don't blame the bike, I don't blame myself, I just had an off day of sorts. I do admit I really need to do intervals, it would help me a ton. I'm really looking forward to '08. No matter what I'm going to do sport, the only decision to be made is to race single speed or age.


julie said...

maybe you have the wrong priorities? see, me, i like to drink, so i'm willing to accept last place. if you prefer placing well to drinking, then, ya know, that's that.

What Do I Feel Like Riding today? said...

I'm really big into nutrition, I feel guilty having a soda. So I do come from the frame of mind, there are foods that make you go fast and foods that make you go slow.