I want to get some lights, I'm going to need them for the 12 hours of Oleta. I will have to ride from about 5pm till after I finish my last lap after 10pm. I'm thinking if I want to get lights on a budget I should get a set of Stellas, the great thing about Stellas is they have really long burn times on small batteries I can get 5 hours of burn on a 1 lb system. I can get into these very reasonably, I'm not at liberty to say how much. On the other hand I could bite the bullet and get some bight tried and tested lights, tested by people like Expo Racing's own Fixed Gear Gus I can buy two Stellas in place of one of the ARCs. The light out put is like 4 fold of that of one Stella 675 lm. vs 180 lm
Prices MSRP
Stella 180-N $200
Stella 180-L $300
Arc Li-ion $499
Arc Li-Ion Ultra $599
Ari Ni-MH $409
At this point I'm thinking its going to be either two 180-L Stellas or one Arc Li-ion Ultra.
There is no need to cary the 9 cell(ultra) battery arround for a no-more-than-90minute-lap. I already made that mistake...although I still have used the 9cell in all my 24hr races thus far. I say get the ARC and an extra 3 or 6cell battery. or invest in the stellas. I want the stella badly too(because i already own the ARC). Nice thing is that the Lithuim L&M batteries work for both light systems!
I need 9 cell right now for for the 12 hours of Oleta and I can't afford the extra battery right now. Read Today's post.
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