So my lights came, my Plane ticket will officially be bought tomorrow, and My bike will be hitting the UPS Truck Tomorrow or Friday. I'm so psyced, all you peeps are going to be freezing in WI, I'm going to be cramping up from heat exhaustion in Florida. I will be sure to document my Journey as best as possible, I highly doubt I will have any pictures of me on the bike in the race however, I'm self supporting myself for the race, I'm going to KISS as much as possible, I've found trying to keep it too simple can be as much of a problem in the past though. I'm going to be getting down there on the 3rd of January and the race is on the 5th, I hope that I have no issues with assembling the bike, I should have no problems, I should be able to assemble it with nothing more than a few allen wrenches. I still need to pack all of my support materials yet, I will be flying with most of that.
If I ride for the whole 12+ hours I see no reason why I can't get a top 10 in solo.
Don't cramp! There are plenty of ways to avoid it. Check Hammer's stuff- I use endurolyte tablets, they work for me, but other stuff is available too. Let nutrition solve your problem.
ps- nice new layout!
I use endurolytes, I used them alot at stump farm, still cramped. Once you start cramping its hard to reverse it. Since I'm flying I'm not going to have the space to pack all of my powders and stuff I would normally take. I'm planning on like endurolytes and gatorade, and I'll have to figure out what I want to do for food.
try sport legs then? http://www.sportlegs.com/about/welcome.asp
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