New Rear Pads
I went onto the front removed the drive side caliper because while I was replacing the pads I decided to give a thorough cleaning, overhauling and greasing. when I went to take the non-drive side caliper off I found that the whole thing was spinning. The part where the spring pops into to hold in the spring tension was spinning freely.

I went to mike and was like "should that be happening or did I do something wrong" and mike was like. That's not right. So then I made the decision to run home and get my spare fork, the OEM Fork. I was putting that back on when I made the point, it was only 3:30, why don't' we give ritchey a call and see what their policy is on warranty. We called QBP and while he was on the phone with Quality realized, try to tighten up caliper post. So I did as he directed, and guess what, it stopped spinning. Hallelujah. So now I had to go backwards and uninstall my OEM fork which was already in my bike

and reinstall the Ritchey Fork and Continue with my original job of installing brakes. At least I ended up cleaning the steerer and learning how to uninstall and install forks, yay for me. So in the end, was it my Fault, yes, Was it Mikes Fault, yes, chalk it up to a learning experience.
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