Thursday, October 25, 2007

Pondering about my '08 Purchase

With my only geared MTB going up on Ebay, you can find the link here I'm pondering what to get to Replace it. I'm thinking about trying a brand I have never tried before, something I little less mainstream. I'm kicking around the idea of a Ellsworth Truth or Ellsworth Evolve.

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I want a sporty full-suspension bike that can rail like a hardtail. I'm not looking to buy anything ASAP because I'm not really in a postion to spend that kind of money. But when the time comes I will spare no reasonable expense. I'm willing to spend up to $2000 for top-of-the-line frameset. A freind on my team also suggested Niner. I plan to go Full Sram XO and Juicy ultimates or something like that. I plan to use this for WEMS @ 24-9. It all depends on if I end up doing solos or Duos. In the case of Solos I want SS Duo or team, Geared for faster laps. I know that multi person racing is fun I want a piece of the action.


julie said...

um, i can think of one trail in WI that warrants full suspension. Why not a hardtail? ps- my brand of choice is Rocky Mountain. i think they're better than Ellsworth.

What Do I Feel Like Riding today? said...

Are you thinking of John Muir or 9 Mile recreation Area

Anonymous said...

in my opinion blue mound is really the only trail that benifits from a full susser. If you want something that really rails the corners and does not hold you back going up, a hard tail really is the only way....

Anonymous said...

I agree. Having a FS is great for vacations out west, but if your racing get a hardtail. I raced a Giant Anthem this past year and it's a great bike, but the FS really wasn't needed. I'll get more use out of my Gunnar and I probably won't ride the Anthem until I'm out in CO for vacation. The Giant XTC is a great fast race bike. They sell just the frame for about $1500

What Do I Feel Like Riding today? said...

After doing a little research on a Hardtail, would a Specialized S-Works Carbon HT Frame be a good choice. Specialized is kinda main stream so that defeats my purpose a bit. I want to do something outside of the Trek Family once and less mainstream. I have a Gunnar Crosshairs Regina and I love it. I have never had a carbon bike though, but I will use it for enduro so it needs to be nice to my butt too.