Friday, October 26, 2007

As Suggested, here are some suggestions

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I've been told I should get a Hardtail because its the only way I'm going to be happy on the bike. As far as fast goes its really the only way to go here in WI. Here's a pick of the lot. Leave Your 2cents, I'm only wanting a frameset ignore components.


Anonymous said...

My vote's on the xtc (as if you didn't know). Bill raced one before (we still have it), it's super fast and a great race bike. My 2cents.

Anonymous said...

my 2 cents. I have raced carbon, steel and Al. over the past year and my kelly steel OX platnium frame has been the best ride of them all. The Al. frames i have ridden (my CX bike especially) are harsh. I cracked my carbon frame, they really are not much lighter than anything else and waaaay more expensive. I love my kelly. If you can afford to drop the $ for what that BMC costs, you have the time to get a custom steel frame, I would totally go that route.

julie said...

i'm with ben - steel all the way. That gunnar would be awesome. Check out the Rocky Mountain Blizzard, too- the frame i really wanted but couldn't afford. it'll ride better and last longer.

julie said...

oh, one more thing- NOT the surly. those are 4130 and weigh a TON.

What Do I Feel Like Riding today? said...

I can tollerate some harshness, but I want some give, as well as a good value, I think the salsa meets all those criteria. I appreciate everyones imput and stay tuned as it gets built.