Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm looking for a partner

For 2008 I would like to possibly do a 12-hour duo for the Series. I am looking for a partner or two to do this. For a duo you can have a roster of three. So you don't have to do all the races. Inquire with me if you are at all interested. The WEMS Series has put out their 2008 Schedule already. You can find it @ If you aren't willing to Endurance race with me I have one other position open. Race support. I need someone to help me out in the pits for solo racing if that is what I end up doing.

If I cannot find a Partner I will end up doing 12-Hour Single Speed for the Series. I also am strongly considering doing 24 hours solo @ 24-9 Single Speed, but we'll see. I need to buy lots of lights and I'm going to have to kick butt training and hope that I have a good first half of WEMS or else I'll do a 12 or 24 hour Duo or 12 hour solo like I did this year. I have already decided I'm doing Sport Single Speed in WORS for '08 unless I have a killer off-season as far as training but I don't think I'll be that great come spring, just simply competitive, not dominating. I need to podium some and have some success. As you know 8500 #1 is Raring to go, the only thing that may change is I might build up a new front wheel and I may do new hydraulic brakes. But neither are nessasary. I haven't decided quite yet how I'm going to build up 8500 #2. I'm only a v-brake compatible fork and handlebars short of having the minimal amount of stuff needed to having a working bike.


julie said...

wow, you plan ahead! i think the ladies and i will do the 4-woman 12-hour again next year. i'd warn you about the 12-hour solo-- you have to have a really calm mind to not get bored.

What Do I Feel Like Riding today? said...

I have no problems about the bored part, I just tend to have problems with cramping. I need to do lots of 3-6 hour training rides to prepare.

Anonymous said...

Yippee more if only I could get some more women to race Sport SS!